Field Studies: Animal behavior
Students practice the skills of a scientist by working closely with the Bronx Zoo and Urban Advantage during their Field Investigations. Groups of students create, plan and execute a scientific investigation in which they study the behavior of a species or between two different species. They not only have a chance to practice their developing investigatory skills, but they also have a chance to extend their understanding of evolution and adaptations that is studied during one of the year's units.
project documents
student projects
How does the number of vistors affect the habitat usage of the Dwarf Mongoose?
How does habitat usage differ between the Northern Oriole and the American Goldfinch?
Animal behavior videos
African wild dogpolar bearAmerican FlamingoCrested tinamou |
buffleheaded duckWhite Naped Cranechilean flamingobuffleheaded duck & forster's tern |